Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hallelujah School's Out

Thursday was the last day of school. I am so glad it's over. I love summer, it's so fun. Whatever goes. No real plans and lots of hanging out doing whatever. I do however want to get things caught up around the house and catch up with friends.

On Friday the new movie theater opened up here in Surprise. Just in time for summer!!! No more 20 minute drive to Harkins. All week the theater has been showing free movies. That's right free movies! You know I was all over that. On Friday morning we saw Horton Hears Who and on Friday night we saw The Bucket List. FREE. On Saturday morning we saw Indiana Jones. Not free but the matinee price for the 3 of us was just $16.50. On Saturday night we saw 27 Dresses, FREE. On Sunday we saw Jumper and National Treasure FREE. On Monday we saw Fools Gold, FREE. and Today we went to the matinee and I saw Made of Honor with Traci and Tyler saw Speed Racer with Traci's kids. Not free but for the 2 of us to go it was only $11.00. After the matinee we saw Jumper again for free and tonight we are going back to see The Bucket List again for free. I highly suggest The Bucket List it is so good.

The weekend was mainly hanging out at home and going to the movies. There was so much that needed to be caught up. We did some of it but the rest will get done when it gets done. That's a hard concept for me. I love things just so in my house and I always want things CLEAN. I have had to learn to just let things be. I want to spend a lot of time with Tyler this summer. I know as he gets bigger he will want no part of me. He's already 8 and time has just flew by.

Tomorrow is another I don't know what is going on kind of day. I am thinking the mall maybe. We shall see. Next week is Todd's birthday. He will be 35! Todd never plans anything for his birthday. He says it's just a birthday and it's no big deal. I love my birthday and celebrate every year. Only 65 more days till I turn 36 and 1,525 days until I turn 40!! SCARY!!


April said...

I cannot believe you went to the movies that many times. You are CCCRRRAAAZZZYYY Woman! Just kidding. That's great! Sounds like you've been getting your Money's worth. ha ha. I haven't even been once yet. Jay took JD to the midnight showing of Indiana Jones. There's no way I could even attempt that. JD had school the next day and he still got up and went. what a trooper! Good to talk to you again! Keep me posted on what's going on! I'm glad you check my blogs. Something about your street and my blog. Only you and Teri Price frequent me. I'm so popular!

Stacey said...

Wow, that is a lot of movie time in one weekend. Did you eat popcorn each time? That would be a lot of popcorn! My theory... I never turn down free!