Sunday, June 22, 2008

Expensive but worth it

I know the last blog talked about cleaning but so does this one. Christmas 2006 Todd bought me a Dyson. I know many women would be upset if they got a vacuum for Christmas but I was EXCITED!!!!!. I love Dyson vacuums. They are the most awesome vacuum ever. I had a house cleaning business for a couple years and most of my clients had Dyson's. The few that didn't I hated vacuuming their house. I never felt that their carpet was truly clean. When you use one you will see what I mean. The stuff that it pulls out of the carpets is amazing and gross at the same time. The picture I added to this blog is actually the stuff that came from my carpet upstairs when I vacuumed it last week. Its gross. I also have a dog inside that sheds so when we bought our Dyson we bought the Animal Dyson. My carpets always look so good after I vacuum. If financially there is any way you can afford one you should. I noticed yesterday they were on clearance at Target. New models are coming in, old ones must go......

1 comment:

OneHappyfamily said...

I don't have a Dyson. But my container looks like this too. I dont like carpet! I am saving for Hard wood to be installed right now! Glad you love it!